Fair Labor Solutions

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Towards a safe, just workplace. A report by the As You Sow foundation.

I am bringing this to your attention, as the summary of the report (see below) is also a summary of what I have identified as the way forward for more effective and sustainable compliance. The full report can be accessed here

If you would like to implement any of these recommendations, but are not sure how to, or have limited resources, contact me.
As You Sow’s research finds that in order for apparel brands and retailers to continue to improve compliance both
with their codes of conduct and conditions for workers, companies should:
• put more resources into continuous improvement – working with suppliers to build management capacity, training
workers and managers on labor rights and health and safety, as well as tracking key performance indicators;
• place greater emphasis on initiatives specifically aimed at empowering workers;
• integrate factory compliance performance into compensation for executives in headquarters. Evaluating executives
on working conditions in factories throughout the supply chain brings attention to workers to center stage;
• analyze their purchasing practices to assess if internal policies could be exacerbating compliance violations and
commit resources to improve those practices;
• develop more sophisticated technology to track the resolution and recurrence of compliance violations; and
• increase detailed public reporting on specific supply chain audit findings and remediation actions.


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