This report, by an organization called "Free2work" provides detailed information on fifty apparel companies’ CSR practices: In their words "It assesses each management system in four categories: Policies, Traceability & Transparency, Monitoring & Training, and Worker Rights. Each Free2Work indicator correlates with a piece of a system that should, if appropriately used, enable improvement in working conditions and the elimination of modern slavery. We hold that child and forced labor are far less likely in supply chains that are highly visible to companies and where workers have a voice to negotiate working conditions and speak out against grievances."
The report can be accessed through this link.
There has been much improvement over the last 10 years, but as this report shows, there is a lot more to do. For some, they have not even started yet.
For those companies that are in the same position at the bottom of the grade, Fair Labor Solutions can help create a path to the top.
Contact me through this site if you are interested.